Turban partner look for baby and mom from their old maternity shirt?
Children's turban made from grandma's old sweater? Headband made from dad's old scarf?
A very special turban for a 1920s themed party?
No problem. We would be happy to sew you your very own headgear from your own fabric or, upon request, make a very special piece according to your ideas.
Elastic band, turban, headband, scarf band - everything is possible!
It's best to send us an email with a photo of your textile to turbantrullas@web.de or write us a message on Instagram @turbantrullas.
If you want a turban or headband, an important requirement for the textile is that the material is as stretchy as possible (i.e. stretchy) and has a correspondingly large area for processing.
To make your very own Turbantrullas creation, we need around 1-2 weeks after receiving the textile.